Posted: November 25, 2016
Mrs. McQuaid Murphy
Posted: November 24, 2016
Math 8
-We reviewed homework.
-Students are to complete the second side of our sheet on estimating square roots.
Math 7
-No homework tonight. Notes posted below.
Science 6
-Today we build vocabulary around electricity. Groups presented their projects. Students were then given the names of scientist, a list of major discoveries in electricity and a list of the years that they happened in. Students were asked to place the right name, year and discovery together. We will finish this in our next science class.
Science 8
-We corrected the first two of three systems. We had a good discussion.
Posted: November 22, 2016
Posted: November 22, 2016
Math 8
-Please see notes attached.
-Test will be returned tomorrow.
Math 7
-We spent the first part of class reviewing how to add and subtract integers by using a game.
-We learnt the difference between <<decimal fini>> et <<decimal périodique>>. Students are to finish the questions we were working on in class for homework.
Science 7
-We did our owl pellet dissection lab. Students reviewed how to draw food webs and they practice how to make a prediction.
-Picture to follow J
Posted: November 21, 2016
Math 8
-We worked on how to solve Pythagorean theorem questions. Students need to review how to solve algebra problems. Q 5, 6 and 7 are for homework.
Math 7
-We started chapter 3. Students need to learn how to switch between fractions to decimals. They need to be able to make equivalent fractions with bases of 10, 100 or 1000 and then switch to decimals. Students are to practice by completing p. 88 Q 1, 2 and 3.
Science 6
We started our new unit on electricity today.
-Today we did some reading and discussions to realize that electricity use is all around us. Students are to build vocabulary by naming 10 objects/devices that use electricity and identify their main purpose.
-We also spent some time talking about the different ways we make electricity.
Science 8
-We talked about the digestive system, respiratory system and circulatory system. Students were given questions to help them focus as they read chapter 3. We will complete this assignment next class. Learning to read and pick out the important information is an important skill students will be developing over the next few classes.
Posted: November 16, 2016
Math 7 and 8
-Test tomorrow
Science 6
-Question 1 and 2 are due tomorrow.
Science 8
-Obeservations and conclusion for yeast lab is now due.
Posted: November 16, 2016
Posted: November 15, 2016
Math 8
-Today we used part of class to record our observations from our yeast lab in science. As a result we did not finish our review. We will move our test to Thursday. Some students will be doing a technology tutorial during math so it works best to move the test.
Math 7
-Students are to complete the formative (practice ) test. Test is Thursday.
Science 7
-Today we took some notes on cycles, watched some ShowMe videos and did a review game. Students were also given time to read on the topics we are learning in class.
-Next class we will be doing our owl pellot lab.
Posted: November 14, 2016
Math 8
-Today students did an assignment on square roots. We will correct this in class tomorrow and our test will be Thursday.
Math 7
-Today we did a review of sections 1.1 to 1.6 of our text. Tomorrow we will have a formative test and our test will be Thursday.
-Homework is p. 44 Q 7, 8, 9 and 11
-Notes posted below.
Science 6
-Today we reviewed our variables, how to write a procedure and spent the majority of our time talking about testable questions. We practiced test type questions. Notes are attached.
Science 8
-Today we were in the lab. Each group had a different independent variable that they manipulated. It was fun to start putting what we have learnt into action. Pictures to follow. :)
Posted: November 9, 2016
Water cycle
In science we have just started to talk about the water cycle. Charles and Alex did a short ShowMe tutorial for the water cycle today to show their understanding. Grade 7 is invited to use it as a revision. Good work boys! :)
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