Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: October 20, 2016

Math 8

-Today we looked at how to turn our tables into graphs.  The importance of titles were stressed.  Without titles the information is useless.

-Notes and homework posted below. 


Math 7

-A handout with questions similar to those that will be on our next test was passed out.  This is to be completed for class tomorrow.  No one came to extra help today, so I am assuming students will be ready for our test Monday.

 Tutorial video for finding the average of a list of numbers can be found on show me.  

Science 6

-Today students finished their microscope lab.  Pictures will be posted this evening.

-I circulate to assess students ability to focus the microscope and to asses that they new the proper way to care for the instrument.  Great work grade 6!


Science 8

-We went over how to study notes for a test.  Students were asked to find key words in previous work.  We added stories containing real life examples of our new science terms.  These stories and key words help to make connections with the new materials.

-Students are asked to bring a pair of clean socks to next class to use in an activity.

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Posted: October 19, 2016

Math 8

-We corrected our work sheet and reviewed material covered with the substitute.  Students are learning how to use equations to fill in tables of values.

-Tomorrow we will start to work on turning our tables of values into line graphs.  Students need a ruler and graph paper for the next few classes.


Math 7

-Today we reviewed what was covered when I was away.  We took notes and copied examples.  We are in the area of statistics.  Please see the notes attached.

-I will be available for extra help on the review sheet given yesterday tomorrow at lunch. (12:45)


Science 6

-Today we discussed what was covered while I was away.  We went to the science lab and reviewed the parts of the microscope.  I circulated and was able to evaluate each student.  We then looked at slides and students began to learn how to focus a microscope.  We will continue this next class.  Great work today grade 6!

Science 8

-Lab sheets are now due.  If not complete, please see me at lunch to complete.

-Students need to arrange a time with me to present their project before the end of next week.  Rubrics for each type of project will be posted below.


Health 8

-Today we learnt about conflict resolution.  Students were asked to first look at what conflicts they have in their lives and to assess how they deal with it.  Next class we will look at learning some healthier techniques to help them deal with conflict in their lives.  Please see the notes below.

Posted: October 5, 2016

Portfolios (Duotangs) of marked work have been sent home over the last week to be signed and returned by parents.   Please take the time to discuss with your child about their progress and please give me a call if you have any questions.

Math 8

In math today we looked at nets. Students cut out the nets to see how they can be folded to make 3-D objects.  We learnt the difference between prisms and pyramids.

Homework p. 180 Q 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 11

Math 7

Divisibility rules test next week. (Wednesday)

Homework p. 12 Q 1, 2, 3 (write the rule) and 5

Science 8

In science we unpacked our new microscopes and learn how to bring objects into focus.   We had a lot of fun looking at bug legs, dog fleas, wings and skin cells.  Students were able to practice using the correct terms for the parts of a microscope and were also able to practice problem solving as they helped each other to learn how to bring each specimen into focus.  We are looking forward to many more afternoons together in the science lab learning from each other.

Santé 8

Mr. Stewart did a presentation on screen time with the students today.

Science 6

Today we reviewed the parts of the microscopes.  Students need to be reviewing this at home each night.

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PDF icon oct_4th_math_7.pdf5.01 MB

In math 8 today we looked at nets. Students cut out the nets to see how they can be folded to make 3-D objects.  ...

Posted: October 5, 2016

Students presented their ecosystem projects yesterday.   Good presentation skills and excellent use of new vocabulary!  We even had two visitors.  Learning science is fun!

Posted: October 4, 2016


Math 8

-Today we reviewed vocabulary around 2-D and 3-D objects.

-Work was passed back to be signed by parents.

-Notes posted below

Math 7

-We reviewed divisibility rules.  These need to be memorized.  Test Wednesday.

-We learn how to display numbers in venn diagrams and <<des diagramme a carrol>>.  Q 3 is for homework.   Notes posted below.

Science 6

-No class today but re-write tests were passed out.  All test are to be signed for tomorrow’s class.

Science 7

- Students did some wonderful presentations today.   I hope to post some pictures of the presentations latter tonight.  Great work grade 7.

-Continue to review and memorize notes at home each night.  We will have a test next week.

PDF icon oct_4th_math_8.pdf252.99 KB

Posted: October 3, 2016


Math 8

-Today we reviewed vocabulary around 2-D and 3-D objects.

-Homework is to bring scissors to our next class.

Math 7

-We did science today instead of Math.  This allowed me to correct the French in the ecosystem project for several groups.   Science 7 projects presentations are tomorrow afternoon.

Science 6

-Today we reviewed our new terms.  Students should be studying these new terms each night.

-We learnt the parts of the microscope.   Homework is to complete notes. Students can come in during the outdoor portion of lunch tomorrow to complete notes or use the notes posted below.

Science 8

-Students completed their notes on the organelles in a cell.

-Homework is to write a draft of their plan for the cell project.  I will meet with each group next class to approve their idea.   Students can present the project anytime during the month of October when they are ready.

PDF icon oct_3rd_math_8.pdf353.67 KB
PDF icon oct_3rd_science_6.pdf2.7 MB
PDF icon oct_3rd_science_8.pdf587.66 KB

Posted: September 30, 2016

Math 7

-study divisibility rules


Science 7

-ecosystem project due tuesday


Science 6

-Rewrite is monday at lunch


Posted: September 29, 2016

Math 8

  1. Test will be Thursday.

  2. We reviewed as a class the formative (practice) test.   Students were then able to work on a puzzle activity that helped them to practice the outcome on the test tomorrow.  


Math 7

  1. Today we took notes on the divisibility rules.   Notes are posted below.  These need to be memorized.

  2. Work has been passed back for parents to sign.


Science 6

  1. Test handed back.  Re-write is Monday at lunch.  Students must attend extra help Friday at lunch if they want to do the re-write.   

  2. Notes posted below.  We are starting to learn about cells and microscopes.

  1.  Science 8

  1. Examples of the cell project were shown.  Project expectations were given in detail.

  2. Students made notes from text.  This will be the info they should include in their projects.


PDF icon sept_29th_math_7.pdf662.58 KB
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PDF icon sept_29th_science_6.pdf715.55 KB

Posted: September 28, 2016

Math 8

-Q 23 and complete the formative test.

-Test on PEDMAS will be Friday.


PDF icon sept_28th_math_8.pdf158.26 KB


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