Posted: October 20, 2016
Math 8
-Today we looked at how to turn our tables into graphs. The importance of titles were stressed. Without titles the information is useless.
-Notes and homework posted below.
Math 7
-A handout with questions similar to those that will be on our next test was passed out. This is to be completed for class tomorrow. No one came to extra help today, so I am assuming students will be ready for our test Monday.
Tutorial video for finding the average of a list of numbers can be found on show me.
Science 6
-Today students finished their microscope lab. Pictures will be posted this evening.
-I circulate to assess students ability to focus the microscope and to asses that they new the proper way to care for the instrument. Great work grade 6!
Science 8
-We went over how to study notes for a test. Students were asked to find key words in previous work. We added stories containing real life examples of our new science terms. These stories and key words help to make connections with the new materials.
-Students are asked to bring a pair of clean socks to next class to use in an activity.