Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: February 6, 2017

Math 8

-Today we did PEDMAS with fractions.

-Homework is Q 4, 6 and 7 form student text section 3.9

-Mathletics task should be done for the end of the week.   These tasks are assigned individually to each student. 

-Work sent home to be signed by parents/guargians.


Math 7

-Today we did a formative test and we will correct it together tomorrow.

-Mathletics has review videos, practice test and activities to use for review.  Test is Thurday. (Even if no school on Wednesday)

-Mathletics tasks are assigned for the week.    Time will be given on Wednesday to work on these assignments.  Students should also be working on them at home.


Science 6 and 8

-Today we went over what should be in a conclusion.   Notes were given and posted below.  Students were given time to work on the good copy of the project in school today.  STEM projects are due Feb 20th.   Parents are invited in the afternoon of Feb 28th to view projects.  At this time projects will be picked to attend the district fair.

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PDF icon feb_6th_math_8.pdf174.89 KB

Posted: February 3, 2017

Math 8

-We did our test today.  It will be passed back Monday.

-Students should be logging in to Mathletics at home.  I will assign tasks to students to review areas that they are needing more practice.  There is also a lot of instructional videos and fun games that students can use.

Math 7

-Monday we will have a formative test.  This will let students know what they need to review for the summative test Thursday.  (test is moved to Thursday.)

Health 6

-Today we reviewed the changes in puberty and students did an assignment.  This assignment is due for marks next class.

Science 7

-We did our summative test today. 

Science 6, 7 and 8

-Students should be doing their project at home.  We will be working on the draft of the conclusions next week.

Parent update video:


Posted: February 3, 2017

Students are learning how to record observations.  Not all graphs are the same.   

Posted: February 2, 2017

Math 8

-Summative test tomorrow on multiplying and dividing fractions.

-Students should be doing their online Mathletics homework at home.  Students may work on these assignments when they have extra time at school, but the expectation is that they are reviewing at home.   There is a practice test that students may use to study.

Math 7

-Today we reviewed our word problems.  We also did a group review for the test next Wednesday.  Please see notes attached.

-Monday we will have a formative test.  This is a practice test to help students realize what they still need to review.  Summative test that counts for the report card will be Wednesday.


Science 6

-This week students should be <<doing>> their project and recording their observations and data.  Remember to take pictures, videos, write in a journal,  draw sketches of designs, and record data in a table.  

-In class today we reviewed some different types of graphs.  We had a discussion about what graphs can be used for certain data.   Which graphs work well for certain types of projects.   Graphing is a big part of the grade 6 Math and science curriculum.  Students should be able to draw graphs, and be able to answer questions from a graph.   I gave a packet of practice questions that we will work on over the next few science classes.    Most projects should include a graph.


Science 8

-Today we went over our optics notes and reviewed from our last two labs.

-We went over the importance of picking the right graph for each project.    Students were given some graphing practice.   This should be a review.  It is important that students know if their data is discrete or continuous as this determines if points should be joined on a graph.


Science 7

-Test tomorrow.

Due Date: 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Posted: January 31, 2017

Math 8

-Formative test sent home to be signed.  Summative test (one that counts on report card) is Friday.

-Mathletics tasks are due Thursday.

Math 7

-Today we worked on word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.

-Mathletics tasks are due Friday.  Time will be given in class tomorrow.

Science 7

-Lab sheet is due next class.  Today’s focus was on writing procedure and conclusion.

-We will have a test Friday.

-Notes posted below along with a practice test we did.

Posted: January 30, 2017

All students have gone home with a login and password for Mathletics.  This is a great online learning tool.   Students have access to tutorial videos, extra workbooks, manipulatives and practice test.  I am able to tailor the assignments for each child depending on their strengths and weaknesses.   When your child logins they will be notified if they have a task to complete.  The results are sent directly to me so that I can adjust the learning outcomes based on their results.   Students can then compete against other schools on math games.  They can review concepts they have had difficulties with or they can move on and try harder materials.    As a teacher, I get data as to where their strengths are and where re-teaching is needed. 

For tonight, I have asked students to see if they can log-in from home.  Students can create their own avatar.  They have a couple task to work on and then they can explore.   Students can also download an app and play on an ipad or ipod.



Math 8

-Test on Fractions Friday.

Science 6

-We worked on building circuits today.  Students practiced writing conclusions and observations.

Science 8

-We did an optics lab today.  Lab sheet is due next class.  Our focus today was to review how to write a testable questions, and how to take observations and write conclusions.

Posted: January 24, 2017

Students were learning about conditioning today and how to use a thermometer.

Posted: January 24, 2017

Math 8

-Test will be Monday.

-Finish questions from book in notes posted below.


Math 7

-Finish questions on adding and subtracting mixed numbers posted below.

Science 7

-Quiz Tuesday.

-We did a lab today on temperature.

-Lab on Friday to investigate thermal energy.  J

PDF icon jan_24th_math_7.pdf49.31 KB
PDF icon jan_24th_math_8.pdf126.86 KB

Posted: January 23, 2017

STEM update for parents can be found at:

This video explains what your child should be doing this week with their STEM fair project.


Math 8

-Today we learnt how to multiply mixed numbers.  Students should complete questions from text as seen in notes attached.


-Today we learnt two methods for adding and subtracting mixed numbers.  No homework.


Science 6

-Today we learnt how to draw electrical diagrams.  Notes are posted below.

-On Wednesday students will be given a class with the computers to type the good copy of their planning phase.  The draft should be in class each day with them as they will be given some time in French and science to work on it.


Science 8

-Today we did some science literacy activities.  Students are to try to answer questions on the worksheet about lenses.

-Wednesday students will have some time to work on their good copy of the planning phase of their project.  Students should be bringing their draft to both French and Science classes.


PDF icon jan_23rd_math_7.pdf1.79 MB
PDF icon jan_23rd_math_8.pdf470.97 KB
PDF icon jan_23rd_science_6.pdf553.56 KB

Posted: January 21, 2017


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