Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: May 18, 2017

Students made a solution to clean pennies.

Posted: May 17, 2017

Math 8

-Today we reviewed vocabulary from our integer unit.

-We continued to practice probability questions.

Math 7

-We drew line segments today.  Students should complete the first side of the worksheet.


Science 6

-Today we worked on drawing conclusions from graphs.

-We described trends in graphs.


Posted: May 16, 2017

Math 8

-Homework quetions is included in the notes posted below. 

-Today we reviewed graphs and what can be misleading about them.  We went over the advantages and disadvantages of each type of graph.  We also started our unit on probability.


Math 7

-Students were told their grade on the rewrite.  Test will be returned Thursday after everyone writes.

-Handouts were given today.  Students must have a math set to fully participate in our unit.  Today we learnt several ways to draw perpendicular lines.


Science 7

-Studnets were given a handout on different seperation techniques.  We also made sure everyone is caught up on the notes for the particle theory.

-We spend the last period in the lab cleaning pennies.   It was a lot of Fun!!!!!

PDF icon may_16th_math_7.pdf2.71 MB
PDF icon may_16th_math_8.pdf330.8 KB

Posted: May 15, 2017

Math 8

-Notes posted below.   Homework is to finish question 3 to 5 on page 399.

Math 7

-Today students did a rewrite.  They can see me tomorrow to get their mark, but I can not pass them back until all students write.  This will be Thursday.

Science 6

-We corrected the third practice exam.  These have been passed back and students should review them to study.

-Students are to complete the histogram for marks.  A copy of the data table is in the notes below for students who were absent today.

Science 8

-A second practice test was passed out today.  Students should have this completed for next class as we will be correcting it as a group.

-Students are to complete the density worksheet.  One side allows students the practice of answering quetions using the information from the graph.  The other side allows students to review terminology and to aplly what we are learning in math to science.  Students may use a calculator to answer questions.

PDF icon may_15th_math_8.pdf513.06 KB
PDF icon may_15th_science_6.pdf66.84 KB

Posted: May 12, 2017

Math 8

-Finish fraction worksheet.

-Today we reviewed square roots for the end of the year benchmark.

Math 7

-Test to be signed.  If students want to write the re-write Monday they have to have all mathletics task complete and they need to have the test signed. All questions from the test were reviewed in class today.

-Students need a math set for Tuesday.

Science 7

-Today we talked about super saturated solutions.  We discussed some real life situations.  Notes are posted below.


PDF icon may_12th_science_7.pdf98.88 KB

Posted: May 11, 2017

Math 8

-Homework will be checked tomorrwo.  Review day 1 and 2 are due for correction.

Math 7

-Students need to bring a math set to  class each day.  We have started module 8.

Science 6

-Today we went over how to answer multiple choice questions involving testable questions and graphs.  Students were given the third practice test.  This will be corrected next class (Monday) for marks.

Science 8

-Students should now have their two density lab sheets completed and passed in.  Students need to use their observations and calculations in their conlusion statements and answers.  Conclusions should be a general summary statement of what they learnt.  They should then add a second statement where they use their calculations and observations to suport their summary statement.  Remember that numbers need to have units.  NO units, no points.  :)

PDF icon may_11th_math_7.pdf3.89 MB

Posted: May 10, 2017

Math 8

-We started chapter 7 on data management.  In this unit students will be asked to think critically about the graphs they see in the media. 

-Homework is Page 397 Q 3,4, 5, 6, and 7

-Complete mathletics task by end of the week.

Math 7

-Homework to complete mathletics tasks by end of the week.

Science 6

-Today we corrected our practice assessments.  Students learnt how a graph will be scored.  They also learnt how a conclusion will be scored.

-Students are to complete the second practice test for next class.  This will be marked and counted for the report card.


Science 8

-Students were in the lab today measuring masses and calculating volume of objects.  Students then used algebra to find the density of their objects.  Students were required to write a proper procedure before they could start the lab.  More time will be given to complete these two labs.

PDF icon may_10th_math_8.pdf312.59 KB

Posted: May 9, 2017

Math 8

-Mathletics assignments due at end of the week.

Math 7

-Test tomorrow on area.  Review posted below.

Science 7

-Today we learnt about separating mixtures and solutions.  We watched a video presentation on distilation and completed a lab sheet.

PDF icon may_9th_math_7.pdf290.88 KB
PDF icon may_9th_science_7.pdf4.4 MB

Posted: May 8, 2017

Work was passed back to all students today to be signed by parents.

Math 8

-Test tomorrow on volume.  We did a formative test today.  See corrections attached.

Math 7

-We did a formative test today.  We will finish correcting it tomorrow.  Test will be Wednesday.

Science 6

-Assignment passed out today.  This is formatted like the end of the year assessment.   This will be collected for marks.


PDF icon may_8th_math_7.pdf141.35 KB
PDF icon may_8th_math_8.pdf185.95 KB

Posted: April 26, 2017

Math 8

-Students are to complete mathletics assignments.

Math 7

-Student are to complete mathletics activities.

Science 6

-Students should have data colected on airplane lab.  We will work on how to write a conclusion next class.

Science 8

-We learnt how to calculate density.  We will be in the lab to calculate density of objects in the near future.



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