Mr. Comeau - Archive - 08/2012 Notes

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Posted: November 17, 2011

 Maths: No assigned homework for today French: Lecture: M Sheet.                        : Read book to a family member.                        : French story is due on Friday. English: Read 15 minutes.  

Posted: November 16, 2011

 Maths: Complete Math questions (Sections- A,B&F) started today in class. French: Lecture: M Sheet.                        : Read book to a family member.                        : French story is due on Friday. English: Read 15 minutes.  

Posted: November 15, 2011

 Maths: Complete Math questions (Sections- A,B&D) started today in class. French: Lecture: M Sheet.                        : Read book to a family member.                        : French story is due on Friday. English: Read 15 minutes. Reminder: Please bring in as many pennies as possible for our fight against polio.  The winning class gets a Pizza Party!!!! 

Posted: November 13, 2011

Welcome back everyone to another week! Congratulations once again on your great job with our song, Beau Coquelicot!  In Math this week we will continue to work on number sense activities.  In French we will be exploring new books and continue to expand our French vocabulary and learn more phrases.  Don't forget to bring your skates and helmet to school on Monday.  Let's also bring in some pennies for our fight polio jar ... let's try to fill it!!!

Posted: November 10, 2011

 Our newly adopted classroom veteran paid us a special visit today.  Mr. John Forbes captivated the entire class with many stories and life lessons, they will be cherished by the entire team for many years to come.  Thanks so much Mr. Forbes!!!!

Posted: November 9, 2011

I am happy to inform you that the Comeau team will have their first skating session on Monday, November 14th from 11:00-11:45 at the Civic center.  Parents are welcome to join us on the ice!  Please remember all students need their own skates and a helmet. 

Posted: November 8, 2011

 Francais: Sound sheet "T"                 Practise reading French book to a family member - 3 times.                 Practise song and poem for remembrance day program.  It can be found on this page. Math:  Complete Math activity sheet handed out today.  Please sign and return Math Quiz.          Please sign and return number quiz.           English: Read 15 minutes Reminder: Drama practice on Wednesday 2:30-3:30. Popcorn Tomorrow - 50 cents

Posted: November 7, 2011

CORRECTION !!!  Drama is on Wednesday - NOT on Tuesday as indicated in tonight's homework.

Posted: November 7, 2011

 Francais: Sound sheet "T"                 Practise reading French book to a family member - 3 times.                 Practise song and poem for remembrance day program.  It can be found on this page. Math: Please sign and return Math Quiz.          Please sign and return number quiz.           English: Read 15 minutes Reminder: Drama practice on Wednesday 2:30-3:30. Popcorn Wednesday - 50 cents

Posted: November 5, 2011

Welcome back everyone and I hope you all enjoyed your extended weekend.  I would also like to remind all of you that there will be no school on Friday, November 11th. Drama Auditions will be held on Wednesday from 2:30-3:30. This is for grades 3, 4 & 5 so if any of you are interested you are more than welcome to try out!  We will be working on our French poem and song for our school Remembrance Day program on Thursday, Novemeber 10th.  Once again, I would like to congratulate all of you on your video for our minister of education.  You were successful, bravo mes ami(e)s!!!

Posted: November 5, 2011

The class recently created a cool video as an invitation to the honorable minister of education, Jody Carr, to host our morning announcements.  Well Mr. Carr tweeted yesterday that he would "love to" host our morning announcements.  Congratulations to the entire team on a job well done and a special thank you to Mrs. Simmons for creating this unique learning opportunity.

Posted: November 2, 2011

The latest addition to our class is Fritz.  He will be joining us throughout the year during writing activities in French as well as other fun filled adventures.  Welcome Fritz!

Posted: November 1, 2011

 Francais: Sound sheet "S"                 Practise reading French book to a family member - 3 times.   Math: Please sign and return Math Quiz.           English: Read 15 minutes Reminder: Popcorn tomorrow - 50 cents

Posted: October 30, 2011


Posted: October 30, 2011

Great news, Monday is Halloween! There will be no homework on Halloween Monday.  We will also have our monthly draw on Monday too!  Good luck to all of you.  Remember, there is no school on Friday due to teacher meetings.  In Math this week we look at representing numbers with base ten materials.  In French we will continue working on our personal narrative story and exploring new books.  We will also begin preparing for our Remebrance day program. We also have three more podcasts to complete this week, en francais. Thanks again to all the great parents who have sent in some pretty cool treats for Halloween!!!  Have a great week Comeau team!
