Ms. Matheson Notes

Ms. Matheson


Posted: February 24, 2014

It's Student Appreciation Week!!!  There will be no homework this week. Monday- Extra long recess Tuesday - Olympic Ring Day - Kindergarten students are asked to dress in yellow for a school picture.  Olympic Survivor Day 1. Wednesday - Come dressed as your favourite sport.  We will be going skating from 1:00 - 2:00 (weather permitting). Olympic Survivor Day 2. Thursday - Green and Gold Day.  Olympic Survivor Finale! Friday - PJ Day. Student vs Grade 5 hockey game.    Have a super week!!!  

Posted: February 16, 2014

Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend! Take advantage of the snowy weather and get outside for some sledding, skiing, snowshoeing or snowman building! There is no school on Monday for you so we will hand out our Valentine's on Tuesday!! Yay!   Wonder Wednesday will be all about dental health.  Do you remember how many teeth adults have?  How do our baby teeth fall out?   In Math, we will start measuring length and width and compare sizes.  Who do you think wears bigger shoes, me or Sidney?????  Show and Tell will be on Tuesday for Kaden, Sidney, Caleb, Lexi and Jackson because they missed it on Friday. Library is Thursday! Have a great week!

Posted: February 9, 2014

This is going to be a busy week in Kindergarten. We will be celebrating the 100th Day of School on Wednesday with some fun activities with the other K, 1 and 2 classes. 100th Day projects can be brought in any day this week. I'm excited to see what you've done! We will be going skating on Wednesday afternoon at 1:00 (weather permitting). We had a lot of fun last time and hope parents can join us again! Remember to bring your skates, helmets and extra mittens. Our Skype will be taking place on Thursday morning. The class we are connecting with has had a lot of snow days and late starts but should be ready to go this week! Valentine's Day is Friday. We will have time to hand out cards on Friday afternoon. There are 20 kids in our class: Annie, Amaly, Caleb, Kade, Trenton, Kaden, Drew, David, Molly, Lexi, Samuel, Sidney, Tyler, Cole, Evan, Isaac, Keira, Zackary, Jackson and Ophelia.

Posted: January 31, 2014

We will be recording some students with special talents to be showcased on upcoming morning announcements (Tuesday).  If your child takes lessons or has a special talent (guitar, piano, dance, sing, etc.) please let me know so I can add them to the list!!!   We will be going skating next week (Wednesday, Feb. 5th - weather permitting).  Parents are more than welcome to come!!!  Children need skates and a helmet.  If your child does not have these, please let me know.  Thanks.  I will send a note home at the beginning of the week with times.

Posted: January 26, 2014

It's going to be another busy week in Kindergarten!  We are going to continue working on sounds of single letters and groups of letters. Do you know what the letters /br/ say together?  How about /ch/? Keep practicing your reading and sight words at home.  We are going to keep working on adding detail to our stories.  Try writing a story at home and bring it in to share! In Math, we are working on shapes. Look around and see what shapes you can see.  Describe what a cube, cone, sphere and pyramid look like to your parents.  Find objects in your home and sort them into groups. Can you explain your sorting rule? Wonder Wednesday will continue this week with more activities on the brain and your five senses!  Do you remember what the brain does? We are going to begin to prepare for an upcoming Skype with a Kindergarten class in North Carolina.  Hopefully, we'll be able to connect soon! Library is Thursday.  Show and Tell is Friday. Check the schedule to see if it's your turn.

Posted: January 19, 2014

This week, we are going to continue to work on using letter sounds to read new words, work with vowels and practice our sight words.  Keep reading!  In Math, we are learning about shapes.  Look around, what shapes can you see?  Wonder Wednesday will start this week with some activities on the five senses with Mrs. O'Toole's class.  Library is Thursday - remember your books! Have a great week!

Posted: January 7, 2014

One Tuesday morning in Kindergarten all the boys and girls were sitting on the carpet when all of a sudden they picked at the carpet.  The carpet started to rise up with all of the kids on it and it began to fly.  “This is fun!” yelled Annie. Miss Matheson tried to grab the carpet and pull it down but it flew up again. Oh no! Miss Matheson was soooooooo surprised that she fell down and fainted.  Kade screamed, “Somebody help me!”  Mrs. Flanagan panicked and called the police. The carpet flew out the door and all through the school.  All of the kids in the school fainted when they saw the carpet go by. Then Mr. Comeau came out of his office. “That’s awesome,” he said.  Mr. Comeau jumped on the carpet for a ride.  They flew everywhere, even out the door! Mr. Comeau decided to stop it because he heard the bell ring.  “No,” said Sidney, “this is cool!”  Mr. Comeau grabbed on to a tree branch and told everyone to climb down. All the kids quietly climbed down and lined up to go on the bus. The police and firemen came and Mrs. Flanagan came running out the door!  The policeman said, “There’s no problem here! Why did you call us?”  “I must be going craaaaazzzzzyyyyyy,” said Mrs. Flanagan. Everyone laughed.                        

Posted: January 6, 2014

                  Welcome back! I hope everyone had a nice vacation with their families! Thank you very much for the wonderful gifts. I am excited to hear all about your holiday!  This week, we will be reviewing letters, sounds and sight words.  We will work on beginning, middle and ending sounds and practice stretching out words.  There will be no homework this week.  January calendars will be sent home next week.  In Math, we are finishing up our unit on numbers to 5 and will start working on shape and space. 

Posted: December 17, 2013

There is no homework this week!!! Have fun with your families getting ready for the holidays!   Wednesday - Christmas themed gym activities Thursday - Santa/Elf hat day Friday - Red/Green Day ---- last day of school before Christmas break   The first part of Kindergarten has been a huge success. I have very much enjoyed working with your children. Thank you for the continued support. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a fun filled break.

Posted: December 17, 2013

We had a lot of fun playing Tic-Tac-Toe with Mrs. O'Toole's class today. We used Bridgit to connect our Smartboards and played from our own classrooms.  Mrs. O'Toole's class recited a Christmas poem for us and we sang "Guess Who" together!

Posted: December 8, 2013

Only 2 weeks left until Christmas vacation! Wow!  This week, we will be finishing the alphabet with the letters Xx (Xavier fox), Yy (Yancy yak) and Zz (Zeke zebra).  See how many words you can think of that have these letters. Practice printing them at home.  We will continue to review the alphabet and letter sounds.  Use the sounds to help 'sound out' words when reading and writing!  In Math, we will be finishing up our unit on numbers to 5.  We will have some more centers with Mrs. O'Toole's class this week.  Library is Thursday.  Have a great week!

Posted: December 4, 2013

We have been telling our Christmas jokes on the morning announcements.  Check out the morning announcement videos to see us in action!

Posted: December 2, 2013

Our letters of the week are Vv (Vincent vampire bat) and Ww (Willie weasel).  The uppercase and lowercase letters look alike! Vv can be found in Evan, Vance, vampire, vest and victory.  Ww is in Drew, Waye, was, winter and with.  they are easy to print.  Remember to practice at home.  Show your parents how to use your 'magic' marker!   The Christmas concert is on Wednesday. There will be 2 shows, one at 10:00 and one at 12:30.   In Math, we are looking at ways to make the number 5 and we are practicing printing the numbers 0 to 10.   We are having lots of fun in our centers with Mrs. O'Toole's class.  Everyone is working hard and listening very well!   Library is Thursday.   Have a great week!

Posted: November 25, 2013

On Wednesday, the Grade 5's will be having a nut free bake sale to raise money for their end of year field trip. Yummy!!

Posted: November 24, 2013

This week, we are working on the letters Tt (Timothy tiger) and Uu (Umber Umbrella Bird).  What happens to your tongue when you make the sound for t?  Tt can be found in the words Tuesday, toe, to, two and the.  Uu is a vowel and makes 2 sounds.  Sometimes it makes the short /u/ sound as in rug, bug, fun, under and Sunday.  It can also say its' name like in the words universe, use and usually.   Practice printing these letters at home.  What words can you think of that rhyme with fun and with bug?   We will be recording our Christmas jokes for the morning announcements this week! Yay!   We will continue to practice our song for the Christmas concert with Mrs. Bransfield.  The concert is only a week away!   We are starting some centers this week with Mrs. O'Toole's class!  The classes will be mixed and you will get a chance to work with some new friends!   Remember to bring a toonie for a mustache tomorrow!!!   Friday is Crazy Sock Hop Day.  You can dance through recess in your fanciest socks!
