Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: January 24, 2020

Please note that I will not be here on Tuesday as I am in Fredericton working for the department of education.  NO homework or notes will be posted. 

Math and science 8 

-We went over the formative test and did a review.  Students then did a test. 

-Time was given to work on Reflex, Mathletics and STEM fair. 


Math 6 and 7  

-We had a presentation today. 

Math 6 

-Students worked on the September to January review.  They had time to finish Reflex and Mathletics. 

Science 7, and 8 

-Students should have their planning sheet done for Wednesday.  I have started to meet with some groups and will finish the conferences on Wednesday and Thursday. 



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Posted: January 22, 2020

Math 8- 

We corrected QW 15 and then students wrote a practice test. 

Math 6 and 7  

-We corrected homework for the last few days. 

-Grade 6 did a lesson on ratios and grade 7 did a review for the test. 


Math 6 

-We corrected homework from the book and the worksheet on reducing fractions. 

-We did a lesson on equivalent fractions. 

Science 8 

-Students should have their planning sheet done for Friday. 

Posted: January 21, 2020

Math 6 and 7  

-The grade 6 and 7 worked on reducing fractions.  Worksheet is due for tomorrow.  A copy can be found in the notes posted below.

-Math 7 test was passed back to be signed.   


Math 8 

-We worked from section 3.4 to 3.6 of the text today. See notes below.  Students are to finish question 15 for homework.   We will have our formative test tomorrow and the summative one on Friday. 

Posted: January 20, 2020

Science 6 and 7 

-Students are working on the planning phase.  Planning phase sheet is due by Friday.  Each student will meet with me to go over their sheet. Projects due Feb 24th for class presentation. 

Math 6 and 7 split class 

-The grade 6 worked on reducing fractions.  They also had time to complete their reflex work. 

-The grade 7 learnt about subtracting fractions today using models.  P 193 Q 3, 5 and 6 are for homework. 

Math 6 

-Test was passed back and should be signed. 

-We learnt about ratios today.  Page 178 Q 2, 3 and 5 are for homework 

Math 8 

-We worked from section 3.4 and 3.3 of the text today. See notes below. 

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Posted: January 16, 2020

Science 6 and 7 split 

-We went over the planning phase.  Notes are posted below and they include some rubrics.  Tomorrow students will get their first “check-in sheet”.  When they have it completed they will meet with me for feedback. 

Math 6 and 7 split class 

-We did a group review of grade 6 and 7 material.  Work was passed back to be corrected and signed.  The grade 6 students wrote their assessment.  The grade 7 used Reflex and Mathletics to practice.   Their assessment will be tomorrow. 

Math 6 

-Worksheet and formative assessment was passed back.  Time was given for corrections.  Some students attended a small group seminar to review. Other students worked on their Mathletics and Reflex.  Test that counts will be tomorrow. 

Science 8 

-We went over the planning phase for both experiments and innovations. Students doing an experiment now have their first check-in sheet.  When students have this completed, they will meet with me for feedback.  Students will be working at their own pace, but I will be giving some guidelines as to where they should be.  Please do not leave this project to the last minute.  Please note that the project is due Feb 24th for class presentation and Feb 25th for the school Showcase.  Parents will be invited to the school Showcase. 

Posted: January 15, 2020

Math 8 

-We learnt how to reduce before multiplying today.  Questions from 3.3 Q 7 and 8 are for homework. 

-Mathletics due Sunday night. 

-Students should log into Reflex three times a week. 


Math 6/7 

-Students did a formative test today.  The one that counts is Friday. 

Math 6 

-We did our formative test today.  It will be passed back tomorrow and the test that counts will be Friday. 

Science 8 

-We went over the planning phase for both experiments and innovations.  Notes and rubrics posted below.    

PDF icon jan_15th_science_8.pdf1.1 MB

Posted: January 14, 2020

Math 8 

-Today we reviewed 4 methods for how to multiply fractions.  Students had time to work on Q 7, 8, and 10 which are for homework.  

-Mathletics due Sunday night. 

-Students should log into Reflex three times a week. 


Math 6/7 

-We did a group review today.  Grade 6 had time to do Reflex and Mathletics and grade 7 worked on the review from the text.  

-Formative test tomorrow and test that counts will be Friday for both grade 6 and grade 7. 

-Mathletics are due Sunday night.  Students should log into Reflex three times a week. 

Math 6 

-We did a group review and then students worked on Reflex and Mathletics. 

-Formative test is tomorrow and the one that counts is Friday. 

-Reflex is a program to work on basic Math facts.  Students advance to more difficult questions when they are able to complete math facts correctly in a quick amount of time.  Students should be logging in three times a week. 

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night. 

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Posted: January 13, 2020

Math 8 

-Today we reviewed 3 methods for how to multiply fractions.  We then learnt a third model that uses a rectangle. 

-Q 6 is for homework. 

-Mathletics due Sunday night. 

-Students should log into Reflex three times a week. 


Math 6/7 

-We did a group review today.  Students were then given a formative sheet to work on. 

-Mathletics are due Sunday night.  Students should log into Reflex three times a week. 

Math 6 

-We did a group review and then students were  given a review sheet that is due tomorrow. 

-Reflex is a program to work on basic Math facts.  Students advance to more difficult questions when they are able to complete math facts correctly in a quick amount of time.  Students should be logging in three times a week. 

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night. 

Science 6/7 

-We went over how to write a testable question and hypothesis.   Last half of class was given to pick the topic and type of project.  Students need to write a testable questions and hypothesis for an experiment and write a problem if they are doing an 


Science 6 

-We reviewed testable question.  Students were given time to research their project.  Students are starting to write their testable question or problem. 

Posted: January 9, 2020

Grade 8 has been doing lots of activities to start off the 2020 year.  Keep up the good work!

Posted: January 9, 2020

Science 8 

-Today we did a STEM challenge to build the highest building with cards.   Students had to learn to communicate, plan, re-evaluate and problem solve.   All groups started with the same amount of cards.  Each time someone spoke English they lost a card.  See picture posted. 

Math 6/7 

-We corrected homework for grade 6.  Grade 6 then worked on questions from the text.  More time will be given to complete them tomorrow in class. 

-Mathletics are due Sunday night.  Students should log into Reflex three times a week. 

-Grade 7 continued with a review of adding fractions using models and then we went over the “old school” method of how to add fractions with common and different denominators.  Students had time to work on questions from their textbook.  We will finish them tomorrow in class. 

-Reflex is a program where students work on basic math facts and advance only when they master (become fluent) at the previous math facts.  Students should log in three times a week.    

-Mathletics is due Sunday night. 

Math 6 

-We went over homework from the last two classes today.  We continue to work at finding equivalent fractions and switching improper fractions to mixed number.   We worked on questions from the text page 168Q 1, 2, 3, 4 and page 169 Q 9.  These questions were not assigned for homework as we will continue to work on them tomorrow in class. 

-Reflex is a program to work on basic Math facts.  Students advance to more difficult questions when they are able to complete math facts correctly in a quick amount of time.  Students should be logging in three times a week. 

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night. 



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