Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: October 28, 2020

Math 7 and Math 8 will be having a test Tuesday November 3rd.   Textbook questions should now be completed.  Students should be practicing for the test by completing assignments on Mathletics and Netmath.   Students should be asking for help during class time.

If a students feels like they need more time to complete the work before the test, please see me to arrange an alternate time to write the test.

Please use your class notebook in Teams to review.  Tutorial videos are in ShowMe and in Teams.


Posted: October 27, 2020

Math 8 

-Students worked on order of operation questions from the textbook.  P. 98 Q 21, 22, and 23.   Mr. Connors and I were able to circulate and help students.  Remember to put square brackets around the numerator and the denominator.  A fraction is really a division.   Q 21 and 22 are for homework. 

-Students have practice questions on Mathletics and Netmath to complete before they write their test. 

-There was also a practice assignment in teams for students to complete. 

-An example from the text was put in teams class Notebook. 

Math 7 from the split class. 

-I worked with these students today.  In our “seminar/direct instruction” we practiced how to figure out the relationship in an enter exit table.  We went over how to write expressions and equations for a table of values.  We reviewed how to construct a graph using the table of values.   After doing a few examples together as a group, students continued their practice questions from the textbook.  p 23 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.  P 27 Q 1 and p 28 Q 2, 3, 4, 5.   Please use the answer section at the back of the book to correct your work.   Ask for help when you get a question wrong. 

-Once textbook questions are completed you can practice for the test using netmath and Mathletics. 

-I have posted in ShowMe some tutorial videos for review if you need them. 

-Notes were put in teams class Notebook. 


Math 7 

-We had some direct teacher led instruction today.  We went over how to write expressions and equations for data in tables.   We then went over how to construct graphs.   Time was given to work on textbook questions. p 23 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.  P 27 Q 1 and p 28 Q 2, 3, 4, 5.    

-Some students are working ahead and are now practicing for the test by using Mathletics and Netmath. 

-Notes were put in teams class Notebook. 


Math 6 

-We did musical multiplication this morning to practice our multiplication tables.   This should be reviewed regularly at home.  The better you are with your multiplication facts the easier middle school math will be. 

-We learnt how to construct graphs from information in tables.  Mr. Walsh was with use today and we were able to help students to properly create scales.  Remember each square is worth the same amount on an axis.   X is always on the horizontal axis.  X is the first column in a table and y is the second column.  Coordinate points are (x,y). 

-Homework was to work on the question that was on the board.   It has been placed in teams class notebook. 


Science 7/8 

-Today we watched a video on water.  The video highlighted what a hydrogeologist does.   It went over underground water and how it is discovered in Canada.   The video also discussed many of our new vocabulary. 

-We went over the first half of the vocabulary from last class.    

-Homework is to finish the questions on the work sheet. 

-Notes and answers are placed in teams class Notebook. 

Posted: October 23, 2020

Math 6 

-Students had a work period today.  Their assignments are listed in Teams.   They could choose what assignments to work on.  We will continue to work on this next week.   Students will get feedback as they finish the assignments.   Keep checking your results.   I will work with students that are having difficulties next week.    

-While we are learning about identifying expressions and equations for tables, we are also learning to use teams, Mathletics and Netmath.  Have patience when things are frustrating and ask for help as needed.  We are all working at a different pace that is ok! 


Math 7 

-Students should have the teams assignment on subtractions and expressions finished.  Results will be posted in the grades tab as I correct them.    

-Students have assignments in Netmath (in French) and Mathletics (in English).  I have also made a list of suggested book questions to do to prepare for the test.   Our textbooks have arrived, and I will pass them out on Monday. 

-Once students have completed all the work, they will write the test.  This will likely be latter next week. 


Science 7 and 8 

-We read about movement of water.  Students have a sheet to explain the new vocabulary.   In Teams I have put a copy of the reading and worksheet.   We will finish this next class and it is not for homework. 


Math 8 

-Students have a list of videos, assignments and activities to finish on order of operations before they write the test.  Students are working at their own pace and deciding what to do first.   Feedback will be provided so keep checking the grades section in teams and the results in Mathletics and Netmath.  Students should aim to be ready for the test near the end of next week. 

-Duotang of marked work should now be returned. 



Posted: October 22, 2020

Math 8

-We are working on order of operations. Students will continue their book work tomorrow in class and I will be circulating to help.  Page 92 Q 7 , 8, 9, 10.

-We have also been reviewing tables and expressions from last year as we will be using it in science soon.

-Expression assignment has been returned in teams and duotang of unit tests should now be returned.


Math 7

-We will be working on expressions and tables of values.  Questions from student text that we are working on are paghe 23 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.  page 27 Q 1 page 28 Q 2, 4, 5.  We will continue to work on this Friday and Monday.

-The expressions assignment done in teams has been passed back for those that did it.  Check the grades tab for your results.

-Friday will be a work period.

-Today students reviewed subtraction including questions where we borrow.   Pull outs for this skill will happen during November for students who need more practice.

Math 6

Today students worked on subtraction questions with the supply teacher.   

-We have been working on finding the expressions and equations for information in tables.  We have also been learning how to get our assignments in teams and how to submit our assignments over teams.  Students will have time Friday to continue working on this.



-Students are learning about water and water systems.  We are building vocabulary so that we can discuss and explore while talking in French.

Please note that I was out today.


Students should be using teams for their work this week.  Each class has a video (or two), and assignment through teams, some questions from the textbook and practice on Mathletics and Netmath.   Please email me any questions.

Students can check the grades section of teams to get feedback on their assignment.

Science tests are marked for grade 7 and 8 and will be passed back after all students write.   Math 8 tests will be passed back on Wednesday.

Posted: October 16, 2020

This year I will not be posting daily on my class website.  I will continue to post a couple times a week to let parents know what we are doing in class.  My main form of communication will be teams.  Each class has a team where I post the Smart Notebook lessons.    


Students have been trained on how to use office 365.  They have been shown how to send email to me.  How to check notes in the online notebook.  They have learnt how to open assignments.  They have learnt how to view video lessons. 


Students have Mathletics and Netmath to work on practice questions.   They have ShowMe to watch lessons and submit questions. 


Today grade 7 and 8 were shown how to submit an assignment and check their grade.  Grade 6 will learn this next week. 


In the event of a home learning situation, please check my class website and teams for learning activities.  I can send passwords and usernames if a child is at home and does not have it with them.  Just send me an email to request them.  All passwords and usernames were given to students.  It would be a good idea to ask your child for their passwords and to keep a copy of them at home. 


If you have any questions please contact me at . 


Today Grade 7 learnt about the scientific method.  We watched and discussed a video.  In Math grade 7 and 8 did an online quiz.  They can check their grades to see their results.  Grades are found in teams under the grades tab at the top of the screen.  Grade 6 practiced our multiplication using a bingo game.  


Reminder that tickets and money are due back Monday for the fundraiser.    

Have a nice weekend. 

Posted: October 13, 2020


-Today students had time to work on Mathletics and Netmath.

Science 8

-All observation projects are now past due.

-We reviewed for the test Friday.  It will be open book.


Posted: October 9, 2020

We did a flipped class for math 6 and 7 today.  Students practiced logging in to office 365.  They learnt how to open teams.  How to open their online Notebook.  We learnt how to watch an online video lesson.   The students did good with this model.  I was able to sit and give extra help to students.  Some students progressed to finishing their Mathletics and Netmath tasks.   Please note that Netmath should be in French.  If it is not, please let me know.

Grade 7 and 8 students who did not succeed with their division assessment had a second chance today.  Grade 6 did a multiplying assessment.  

Science classes worked on their Leaf observations today.  These are now due and should be finished at home.  Some grade 7 students worked with problem solving in our new small maker space.


Have a safe and happy weekend,

Posted: October 8, 2020

Science 7 

-We had our pictures today. 

-We went over common French mistakes.  Students were given some time to work on leaf observations.  Tomorrow will be the last class time to complete this project.  If not done it will be for homework for next Thursday. 

Math 7 

-We went over division today.  We will do a short three question assessment tomorrow to identify who has it and who needs small group instruction. 

-students complete book work (p. 18 Q 1 and p. 19 Q 7 and 8) in our new unit of algebra.  More time will be given for this tomorrow.    

-We will be doing a flipped class model tomorrow.   I will be giving extra help as needed. 

-Remember notes and review tutorials are in teams class notebook. 


Math 6 

-We went over the tables from our work yesterday and learnt how to describe the trends in the table.  students had time to add the statement to yesterday tables. 

-We went over three methods to multiply large numbers.  Students will have a 3-question assessment tomorrow to identify who needs small group instruction.  Students can use whatever method they prefer. 

Math 8 

-We reviewed division.  Assessment tomorrow to identify who needs small group instruction. 

-Grade 7 went over new algebra vocabulary and then worked on questions from the text.  Feedback was given on yesterday's lesson. 

-Grade 8 continued work in the text on multiplying and dividing.  Notes placed in team's notebook. 


Posted: October 6, 2020

Please bring in money for the tickets as you sell them.


This week students are learning how to use their online resources.   I am now placing notes, tutorial videos and lessons in teams.  students log into office 365 to access their teams.   In teams they will find a class notebook.   Today grade 7 and 8 had a video lesson and tasks to perform on both Mathletics and Netmath.   This follows a flipped classroom model where the lesson is recorded and students work at their own pace.   I am available to reteach, give further examples or help problem solve with students.  Mr. Walsh joined us fo the grade 6 class today.   It is nice to have the extra person to float around with me and answer questions.

I get the results from the work students do in Mathletics and Netmath, and can resend them material that better fits where they are at in their learning journey.   Students find that they get a more personalized learning with this set up. 

First math test has been passed back to math 6 and 7.   Some grade 8 got their test back and the rest will be passed back soon.  These should be corrected and returned.

Science 7/8

-We corrected our worksheet on tides.

-Draft of leaf observation project is due for tomorrows class.

Science 7

-Draft of leaf obsercation project is due next class and we will continue to work on the good copy on Thursday.  


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