Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20 Notes

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4


Posted: February 16, 2014

  A four day week ahead of us superstars!!  Remember that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 17.  It is a Professional Learning Day for teachers.* Boy's Basketball this week - there is a home game against Croft afterschool on Tuesday. You will also have the end of the season Jamboree on Thursday at Dr. Losier.* Girl's Basketball - There is NO practice on Tuesday but you have the end of season District Jamboree on Thursday at Dr. Losier.*Drama continues this week.*Thursday we will be having our 3rd Annual Gretna Green Outdoor Hockey Tournament.  I know that there are many of our Superstars playing in this tournament. Good luck and have fun! *Stay tuned for skating dates for this week.  I have to sign our class up for a date and time when we return onTuesday. Language Arts - We will be looking at Conventions, our Spelling Words, reviewing words that end in "le" and reviewing the proper use of a comma.Math - We will be starting our Lesson on Using Arrays to Divide.Science - We will finish our projects on "Light" and present them to your classmates. Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: February 12, 2014

 Sorry is too cold to skate this morning as planned.  I will pick another time!

Posted: February 9, 2014

 It is Staff Appreciation Week! Remember to tell your bus driver, principal, vice-principal, school secretary, custodian and teachers how much you appreciate them!*Boy's Basketball - There is NO PRACTICE on MONDAY as there is a game on Tuesday at Croft.  Good luck boys.*Girl's Basketball - The girl's team has a game on Tuesday @ St. Andrew's Elementary.  Good luck girls!*Mad Science continues this Tuesday...this is week 2!*We have a Mystery Skype on Monday morning at 10:15. Hopefully the timing works out this time!*** We are SKATING on WEDNESDAY at 10:00 - 11:00.*Friday is VALENTINE'S DAY!!  We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday afternoon.  Feel free to bring in Valentine's for your classmates.  There will be a class list included in your homework this week. Language Arts - This week we will continue to work with the Writing Trait of Conventions. We will also look at words ending in "le" and we will use Extreme Collaboration to help study our spelling words.Math - We will finish our lesson on Multiplication Strategies and complete the lesson on using the Multiplication Table.Science - We will prepare our presentations for our "Light" experiments. Let's have another SUPERSTAR week!

Posted: February 7, 2014

 This week's Star Student was Bethany!!  Bethany was born on November 3rd.  She loves the color black and her favorite animal is a cat.  Bethany's favorite thing to do at school is Daily 5.  She loves to eat Pizza and Bagel Bits.  Bethany loves everything about herself.  She is one cool kid!!

Posted: February 3, 2014

        deodorize                     different employee erosion signature debug international dependent erode prehistoric invasion

Posted: February 2, 2014

 This is the first full week in February and we have a very exciting week ahead of us.*Monday we have a Mystery Skype. *Tuesday you will have an opportunity to have your special talents video taped for morning announcements.*Science East will be visiting our school from Wednesday to Friday.* Thursday Night there will be a Family Science Night in the gym from 6:00-7:30.                             *Friday we will be skating from 10 - 11(weather permitting).*Boy's basketball will continue on Monday afterschool with at game at St. Andrew's Elementary.  Good luck boys.*Girl's basketball continues on Tuesday with a home game against St. Andrew's at 3:15. There will be a short practice before the game.Language Arts - We will be focusing on the Writing Trait of Conventions this week and we will continue with our review of vowels sounds.  You will also have new spelling words for the month of February.Math - We will be learning how to multiply by using Skip Counting. You need to study your 4 times table.  You will have a quiz on Friday.Science - This week will be conducting several experiments using "Light".Let's have another Superstar week!!

Posted: January 29, 2014

 Emma is this week's Start Student.  Emma is 9 years old. She was born on August 14th.  Emma loves gym and Chinese food.  Her favorite color is Aqua and her favorite animal is a dog.  She loves everything about herself.  She is an awesome kid.

Posted: January 26, 2014

 This is the last full week of January...times flies when we are having fun in 4S! Great work on your Healthy Kid Commericals...we will try to get the last one video taped Monday!*Boy's Basketball continues on Monday. The boys have an away game vs St. Andrews. Good Luck Boys!!*Girl's Basketball continues on Tuesday.  The game that was scheduled has been cancelled you only have a practice afterschool.*Drama practices will start soon.  Listen to the morning announcements for details on the times and dates!*On Friday we will have our monthly assembly to celebrate the class and student of the month.  Start to think about who would be a good nominees for these awards this month. Language Art - We will finish up our study on the Writing Trait of Voice and we will be reviewing the letter "Y" as a vowel sound.  Our SPELLING TEST  is on Friday. Math - This week we will be learning how to multiply by using Skip Counting. You will also need to keep practicing your 2 and 3 times table. We will have a timed test on the 3 times table on Wednesday and a test on both the 2 and 3 times table on Friday. Science - We will be starting our unit of study on "Light". There is lots of fun experiements in this unit. Let's have another SuperStar week!!

Posted: January 20, 2014

 Maddy is our Star Student of the Week!  She is 9 years old and celebrates her birthday on July 23.  Maddy's favorite part of school is when it is time to go home!  Maddy loves pizza and the color blue.  Her favorite animal is a horse.  What Maddy likes the most about herself is her contagious giggle!

Posted: January 19, 2014

  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and you are ready for another awesome week in Grade 4S!!*Basketball for boys continues on Monday.  There is a game at Harkins Elementary School. Please be there by 3:30.* Girl's Basketball continues on Tuesday as well.  I am not sure if there is a game...check your schedule and listen to announcements.*Drama will continue this week ...listen to announcements for times and dates. Language Arts - This week we will continue with our study on the Writing Trait of Voice and we will be reviewing more vowel sounds.Math - If you have not memorized the Two Times table please do so. This week you will be expected to memorize the Three Times Table.  We will have a quiz on Friday.  We will be continuing with our Unit on Multiplication and Division.Health - It will probably take us two more classed to complete video taping our commercials about "Healthy Kids."Science - We will be starting our Unit on "Light and Sound this week. Let's have another SUPERSTAR week! 

Posted: January 13, 2014

 Brady is this week's Star Student.  Brady is 9 years old.  He was born on March 21.  Brady enjoys gym the most when he comes to school.  His favorite foods are sphagetti and tacos.  His favorite color is purple.  Brady loves everthing about himself and he also loves turtles.  Brady is one cool kid!!

Posted: January 12, 2014

 Week 2 of 2014...and looking forward to many more exciting weeks!* Girls Basketball starts this week on Tuesday from 2:30 - 3:30.*Boys Basketball resumes this week on Monday.  There is a game afterschool on Monday at 3:45 against Harkins.  Boys can stay afterschool to get warmed up for the game.*Drama - remember to be studying your lines...auditions will be coming very soon!*Remember to dress for the weather.  There is still lots of snow to have fun with! Language Arts - This week we will be learning about the Writing Trait of Voice. We will also continue to work on our Non-Fiction Writing and we will be reviewing vowels sounds. Math - We will start our Unit on Multiplication and DivisionHealth- This week we will finish up our study on "Being A Healthy Kid" by preparing our own "Commercials"! Let's have another "Superstar Week"!

Posted: January 7, 2014

 Cole D is our Star Student of the Week!.  Cole was born on September 27.  The thing he likes most about school is Science.  He can't wait for the Science Fair.  Cole's favorite color is red and his favorite food is pizza.  Cole likes everything about himself, which is awesome because he is a super kid!!

Posted: January 6, 2014

   January Words  irresponsible                               misunderstandperformance                               rearrangereplacement                                recycledishonest                                    honestillegal                                          illogical

Posted: January 5, 2014

 Happy New Years Superstars and Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Break! I can't wait to see you on Tuesday and hear all about your Christmas! ***Remember that school starts on TUESDAY, January 7.  I will be at teacher meetings on Monday January 6th!***** * Basketball for girls will begin soon.  Stay tuned for the date and time.  Basketball for boys will resume next Monday afterschool. * Remember to dress for the weather.  There is lots of snow for fun times on the playground.  We will be taking advantage of our skating rink soon too! Language Arts - This week will be learning how to write Non-Fiction stories and we will be working on our next Writing Trait.Math - We will review for our test on Patterns and Equations and will have the test before the week is over.  Health - We will be learning what it means to be a "Healty Kid" and will be preparing to create own on Commercials on being a "Healty Kid" Let's have another Superstar Week!!
